Britain is a nation of "eco-hypocrites", with people ready to adopt a green lifestyle at home but not abroad on holiday, a study has found.
By David Millward, Transport Editor Last Updated: 10:30PM BST 27 Aug 2008
The worst culprits tend to be young and in full-time jobs, according to research carried out by Essex University, with just over half of those questioned found to be only part-time environmentalists.
"They are the sort of people who say that they are 100 per cent committed to the environment at home," said Stewart Barr, from Exeter University's geography department
"They will say they are good for 48 weeks of the year, but for the other four they want to be let off."
This behaviour manifests itself in recycling while in the UK. The eco-hypocrite will also buy environmentally-friendly products, save energy and cut down on their water consumption.
Their homes will use energy-efficient light-bulbs, there is a fair chance the eco-hypocrite will also have a small car.
But when they are abroad, such constraints do not apply, Dr Barr added.
They will take bigger baths and will not take part in carbon-offsetting schemes by donating to an environmentally beneficial scheme to compensate for the damage their flight has caused.
This group accounted for 52 per cent of the 202 people questioned at length by Exeter University in a paper which was presented to the Royal Geographical Society.
They were also found to be sceptical about climate change and justified their behaviour by saying that what they did at home compensated for their few weeks of environmentally lax behaviour.
A smaller proportion of respondents were classified as "eco-conscious".
Accounting for 26 per cent of those who participated in the survey, this group behaved in an environmental manner at home and abroad.
However they were found to take more flights than eco-hypocrites, but were three times more likely to participate in a carbon-offsetting scheme.
This group, who tended to be older and in many cases had retired, were more likely to take long-haul holidays – but only to see the natural wonders of the world.
The true environmental saints, classified as "eco-conscious" only accounted for 22 per cent of the survey.
They saved water and energy at home and abroad. However 76 per cent of them were took overseas holidays compared to 66 per cent of "eco-hypocrites".