Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Japan Airlines trial biofuels on 747 flights

The successful trial of camelina brings optimism that the airline could be flying full passenger flights using only biofuels within 3-5 years, writes Bryan Nelson. From Ecoworldly, part of the Guardian Environment Network, Tuesday 3 February 2009 17.09 GMT

Japan Airlines became the first airline to demonstrate camelina as a successful biofuel this week, as the fuel surpassed traditional 100% Jet-A fuel in efficiency according to pilots. The biofuel blend used, which was 84% camelina, 16% jatropha and less than 1% algae, brings optimism that the airline could be flying full passenger flights using only biofuels within 3-5 years.
The remarkable crop, camelina, has been eyed for years as an affordable biofuel that can be grown easily in rotation with traditional food crops like wheat. Used as biodiesel, camelina could also potentially power cars and trucks cheaper than its petroleum counterpart. But for all of its use as a biofuel, it might be most exceptional as a cooking oil. Loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, vegetable oils made from camelina are good for the heart and the brain, and could also be used as a cheap feed for fish and livestock.
According to Sustainable Oils, Inc., a US-based provider of camelina fuels, plans are underway to haul out between 100 and 200 million gallons of the jet fuel as demand increases over the next half decade. The crop is best grown in moderate climates such as in the northern plains of North America, Northern Europe and Central Asia, which means it can be easily produced close to home for the world's most fuel-hungry nations.
Given the Boeing prediction last year that flight-related greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced as much as 80% by switching to biofuels, this news bodes well for a notoriously dirty industry. Green-minded travelers might soon be able to quiet the devil on their shoulder during those long and sleepless trans-Pacific flights.
• This article was shared by our content partner Ecoworldly, part of the Guardian Environment Network