Wednesday 18 November 2009

How global warming will hit everyday life


Food shortages caused by climate change will affect national diets across Europe, according to the Met Office predictions.

Italy’s durum yields would start to decline from 2020 and the crop would almost disappear from the country later this century.

In Poland, potatoes and wheat crops would be affected, threatening supplies to other parts of the European Union.

France would be unable to produce many of its leading wines, including champagne.

Spain may also be unable to retain its position as a leading producer of fruit and vegetables because rising temperatures are predicted to turn much of the country into desert.


Insurance costs could go up because of climate change as the risk of floods and storms to people’s property increases.

Rivers across Europe like the Danube would be expected to flood regularly because of storm surges and more extreme rainfall.

Around Britain sea levels would rise by 7in (18cm) by the 2040s. The North West could have 35 per cent more rain in the winter by the 2080s while across the country rainfall could go up by more than fifth.

By the end of the century storm surges could be almost 3.3ft (1m) higher.

Already insurance companies are increasing premiums on flood plains and coastal areas and the new predictions could push costs up further.


The famous forests of Scandinavia, which supply much of our furniture, could be devastated by climate change.

Heatwaves in the summer could cause forest fires from 2025. Meanwhile, a new pest known as the spruce beetle could be expected to make wood useless.

The beetle is spreading already but would be able to breed two or three times a year in warmer temperatures allowing it to become particularly destructive.

Forestry in the southern part of Britain may also be affected and certain trees including beech could die out in the south of the country.