Thursday 18 February 2010

Snow mould turns lawns pink

Gardeners all over the UK are reporting white blotches or even pink patches appearing on their lawns as a fungus more common in colder climates takes hold after the snowy weather.

By Louise Gray, Environment CorrespondentPublished: 7:30AM GMT 18 Feb 2010
The disease, called fusarium, thrives in the wet grass beneath the snow causing a condition known as 'snow mould' or 'pink patch'.
The problem has been reported on lawns from Surrey to Scotland, with Northumberland and Yorkshire particularly badly hit.

Guy Barter, head of gardening advice at the Royal Horticultural Society, said the fungus is widespread in the US and Canada where snowy winters are common but is more unusual in the UK.
He said the mould develops while the lawn is covered in snow and little air is able to circulate, letting the disease thrive. When the snow melts it can leave white or pink patches of lawn where the grass has gone mouldy.
"There have been reports of damage to grass and of moulds developing," he said. "We would suspect snow mould in a lot of cases. Where the grass is weakest you can get white patches. In some instances it can be pink patches."
Fusarium can appear from November to March but is most likely to be seen in January and February when the mould has had time to grow. It can also cause muddy areas or yellowing patches on the lawn.
Mr Barter said lawns that have been heavily fertilised are more susceptible because the lush grass is more soft. Also lawns that have been cut too short, left wild, trampled on or waterlogged.
But he said the mould should not be a problem in the long term for British lawns.
"As the weather warms up and soils dries out the mould will go away and the grass will grow back. You can try fungicide but we would question whether it is worthwhile using it."
Steve Taylor, technical manager of Green thumb, Britain’s biggest lawn care company, said professionals have been called in to treat the most cases ever of fusarium in the company’s 25-year history.
He said the fungus can be stopped in its tracks with a fungicide treatment and aeration, which allows the soil to breathe.
“For grass to survive and stay healthy, you need air to keep blowing across the surface of the plant," he said.
“Snow keeps the grass warm but it suffocates the air and it is the catalyst that allows the disease to take hold and blight your lawn. This year has seen the perfect conditions for the condition to thrive.
“We have been called out to treat cases all over Great Britain but the east side of the country has been particularly badly hit.”